Terms & Conditions

Monthly Auto-Payment Authorization

Thanks for doing business with Choice IoT!

I hereby authorize Choice IOT to charge my selected payment method for monthly statements due. Per our signed agreement, all charges are due to be paid in full without any withholding for disputes. All charges are final. Any disputes must follow our dispute policy per our signed agreement. I understand that my information will be securely saved to file for future transactions.

If you have any questions, please contact your sales representative or call Choice Care at 516-588-3555, option 3

“charge” : {
“amount” : 500,
“currency” : “USD”
“customerId” : “cust_EoFv4xGarMmIUhfTopcrUwTY”,
“rememberMe” : true,
“termsAndConditionsUrl” : “https://www.choiceiot.com/terms-conditions/”