An IP address is a term you will often hear when it comes to computing and connectivity. Sometimes it might be referred to as a static or dynamic IP. What does it all mean? An IP address is short for Internet Protocol (IP) and refers to a unique address where data and internet traffic is delivered. Your IP address is like your postal address which tells other computer programs where to deliver any data that you request. Depending on the contract that you have with your internet service provider, your IP address can either be static or can be dynamic. Here is the difference between the two and the implications of each.
Static IP Address
This is an IP address that remains fixed even if you reboot your computer or your router. This IP address is granted to you by your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and it remains unchanged. A static IP address can also be assigned to a leased line or an institution that requires a particular IP address. To set the IP address to your router, you need to manually configure the router.
Pros and Cons of Static IP Addresses
Static IP addresses are great for web servers and email servers because they don’t change, which means that users are unlikely to be redirected due to a change in the IP address. Devices that use a static IP address can host servers that contain data accessible to other devices through the Internet. This makes it easier for devices to locate a server worldwide. Remote access for devices on a closed network is much easier when utilizing a static IP as well. Static IP addresses also provide more stability for Internet access since they never change. When managing multiple devices, it’s easier to assign a static IP address and maintain connectivity. When deploying multiple devices, a static IP address may be the right choice for a business with remote employees or companies that sell connected devices for mass scale deployments.
The downside to having static IP addresses is that they are generally more expensive than their dynamic counterparts. The other problem is that they tend to be less secure than dynamic IP addresses. This is because hackers and other people trying to get into your system don’t have to figure out what is your new IP. It remains unchanged and therefore all the hacker needs to do is to keep trying until they succeed. To get around that problem, many organizations that use static IP addresses invest in additional security systems to protect their servers. While this is generally effective, it means that the system becomes more expensive than those using dynamic IP addresses.
Dynamic IP Address
A dynamic IP address is automatically changed whenever your computer or router is rebooted. Dynamic IPs are randomly assigned by your ISP using DCHP protocol. Some ISPs change the IP addresses even if the computer is not rebooted. With such a system, you have to constantly check what IP address has been issued whenever you want to reference it.
Pros and Cons
First is the cost element. Dynamic IP addresses are cheaper than static IP addresses. They also offer more security and privacy as hackers cannot know what IP address will be assigned to your servers by the ISP. Whatever they may have is guaranteed to change after a while. The downside to having dynamic IP addresses is that you have to constantly find your IP address every time it changes.
Which One to Take
The choice between the two depends on your preferences. If you are looking for stability and reliability, then static IP addresses are best for you. On the other hand, if you are concerned about the security and privacy of your data, you might be better off with a dynamic IP address. There are additional measures that can be taken to secure a static IP address as well, but the value of doing this depends on your business model and overall goals.
Choice IoT is your partner of choice when it comes to connectivity solutions. We offer a range of solutions to keep your business operating efficiently. Talk to us today and find out how our expertise and partnership with T-Mobile can take your business to the next level.